Damian Bardell, 56, from Doncaster, has built the UK's largest beer glass collection with over 200 glasses, meticulously sourced from around the world without stealing any. Damian Bardell, 56, from Doncaster, has built the UK's largest beer glass collection with over 200 glasses, meticulously sourced from around the world without stealing any.

World Traveler Builds UK’s Largest Beer Glass Collection Without Stealing a Single Pint Glass

Damian Bardell, a 56-year-old from Doncaster, boasts what might be the UK’s largest beer glass collection, comprising well over 200 glasses.

Over the past two and a half years, Damian has meticulously filled a massive cabinet in his garage with glasses from pubs and breweries around the world. His impressive collection, valued at over £1,000, includes priceless, discontinued glasses.

Damian’s passion for collecting began after he bought the book *1001 Beers You Must Try Before You Die* by Adrian Tierney-Jones, a highly regarded figure in the beer community.

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Damian Bardell, 56, from Doncaster, has built the UK's largest beer glass collection with over 200 glasses, meticulously sourced from around the world without stealing any.
Damian Bardell. (Picture: Jam Press)

Inspired by the book, Damian started amassing branded glasses of his favorite beverages from across the globe, traveling to countries like Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus to expand his collection.

Unlike many casual collectors, Damian is strict about the origins of his glasses, ensuring they are either purchased or gifted, never taken from pubs without permission.

Charity shops also serve as a valuable resource for rare finds. His collection has grown so rapidly that he had to relocate it from his house to his garage, where he is now close to adding a third cabinet. Damian also maintains his collection meticulously, regularly washing the shelves and glasses.

Damian Bardell, 56, from Doncaster, has built the UK's largest beer glass collection with over 200 glasses, meticulously sourced from around the world without stealing any.
Damian’s beer glass cabinet collection. (Picture: Jam Press)

Known as The English Beer Gentlemen on his beer blog, Damian shared his thoughts with *Luxury Travel Daily.com: “The correct glass with the right beer is just so important.

It all started two and a half years ago after I bought the book. Adrian Tierney-Jones is a legend in the beer world. It all took off from there, I pride myself on the fact that beer has to be in the right glass.”

Damian’s collection is not just valuable but also irreplaceable. He estimates its worth at at least £1,000, though many of the glasses are no longer in production, making them impossible to replace.

Damian Bardell, 56, from Doncaster, has built the UK's largest beer glass collection with over 200 glasses, meticulously sourced from around the world without stealing any.
Damian Bardell. (Picture: Jam Press)

His travels, such as a recent trip to Barcelona for a beer festival, often result in acquiring new pieces, either purchased or gifted by breweries impressed by his strong social media presence.

“None of them are stolen, some of them you buy, and some of them are gifted to you. Most breweries, once they realize who you are and how strong you are on social media, just gift them to you,” Damian explained.

Damian Bardell, 56, from Doncaster, has built the UK's largest beer glass collection with over 200 glasses, meticulously sourced from around the world without stealing any.
Damian Bardell. (Picture: Jam Press)

Despite the growing collection and the need for more space, his dedication remains unwavering. He noted that while his friend Cam appreciates the collection, most of his family and friends simply raise their eyebrows at his unusual hobby.

Source: Pint glass lover travels globe to build the UK’s largest beer glass collection…and he doesn’t steal any
