New research reveals 90% of small business owners in the UK continue to work during holidays, prompting a shift in how entrepreneurs view taking time off to improve work-life balance. New research reveals 90% of small business owners in the UK continue to work during holidays, prompting a shift in how entrepreneurs view taking time off to improve work-life balance.

Why Entrepreneurs Are Changing Their Approach to Holidays: New Research Reveals 90% of Small Business Owners Still Work During Time Off

Small business owners are finding it increasingly difficult to take time off, with new research revealing that nine out of ten Brits continue to work during their holidays.

This phenomenon, labeled the ‘downtime deficit’ by global travel and leisure company TUI, highlights that most business owners take a mere five days of annual leave each year. In contrast, those in 9-to-5 jobs enjoy an average of 17 days off annually.

Among those striving for a better work-life balance are two entrepreneurs who love their jobs but recognize the need to change their approach to holidays. They hope that by sharing their experiences, they can inspire others to prioritize much-needed rest.

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Tom Plumridge, a 32-year-old self-employed builder from Buckinghamshire, has not taken a two-week holiday since he was 21. Despite enjoying the autonomy of working on his terms, the demanding hours have led him to reconsider his priorities, especially with a baby on the way. “As an entrepreneur, you never really switch off.

New research reveals 90% of small business owners in the UK continue to work during holidays, prompting a shift in how entrepreneurs view taking time off to improve work-life balance.
Self-employed builder from Buckinghamshire Tom Plumridge. (Picture: Jam Press)

There’s always something in the back of my mind,” he said. Tom is determined to adjust his work habits to spend more time with his family and create lasting memories.

Zavia, a self-employed personal trainer from Manchester, shares a similar struggle. Deeply invested in her clients’ well-being, she often forgets her own needs. “Helping people is what I’m passionate about… it’s my life,” she said.

New research reveals 90% of small business owners in the UK continue to work during holidays, prompting a shift in how entrepreneurs view taking time off to improve work-life balance.
Zavia, a self-employed personal trainer from Manchester. (Picture: Jam Press)

Although Zavia occasionally travels, most trips are work-related, and she rarely disconnects from her phone or laptop. Her dedication to her clients means she is constantly on call, even during her downtime.

TUI’s latest research reveals that nearly all (97%) entrepreneurs work while on holiday, with three in ten putting in four hours a day even when they’re supposed to be taking a break. Furthermore, 48% of entrepreneurs admit they find it hard to switch off from work due to their passion for growing their business.

Yet, 18% strongly agree that taking time off is beneficial for resetting their goals, and one in seven wishes they could take more holidays.

The survey also found that 45% of entrepreneurs only took three to four days off last year, and 65% had to cancel their holidays due to work commitments. Despite the intense work schedules, many like Zavia find the trade-off worthwhile. However, the importance of maintaining balance is clear.

New research reveals 90% of small business owners in the UK continue to work during holidays, prompting a shift in how entrepreneurs view taking time off to improve work-life balance.
Zavia, a self-employed personal trainer from Manchester. (Picture: Jam Press)

Zavia appreciates the instant positive changes in her clients and values the gratification from her work but acknowledges the need for complete relaxation.

To support small business owners like Zavia and Tom, TUI is offering a chance to win a free holiday. The campaign encourages nominations for entrepreneurs who deserve a break, with entries closing on 8th June 2024. Winners can redeem their holidays over the next three years.

New research reveals 90% of small business owners in the UK continue to work during holidays, prompting a shift in how entrepreneurs view taking time off to improve work-life balance.
A group shot showing Panso Christaki, Tom Plumridge, Scott, Jo Throp and Zavia. (Picture: Jam Press)

“It’s great to see such passion and drive in our nation,” said Andrew Flintham, managing director of TUI UK&I. “At TUI, we believe everyone, including those hustling and growing a business, have definitely earned a break – whether that’s resting on the beach with emails on do not disturb, or discovering the depths of a new city.

We are so happy to be able to gift deserving entrepreneurs a trip away that’s well-overdue for many, so we encourage everyone to nominate someone they feel is going above and beyond – whether they are growing a business from the ground up or hustling on the side.”

Source: Entrepreneurs reveal why they are changing their attitude on taking holidays – after research shows 9 in 10 small business owners ‘still work’ when they take time off
