San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance celebrates the birth of a critically endangered Sumatran tiger cub, born to first-time mother Jillian at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park's Tull Family Tiger Trail. San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance celebrates the birth of a critically endangered Sumatran tiger cub, born to first-time mother Jillian at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park's Tull Family Tiger Trail.

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Celebrates Birth of Sumatran Tiger Cub

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance celebrates the birth of a critically endangered Sumatran tiger cub, born to first-time mother Jillian at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s Tull Family Tiger Trail.

The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is celebrating the birth of a critically endangered Sumatran tiger cub at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

Born on August 23 to first-time mother Jillian, the cub marks a significant step in ongoing efforts to conserve this rare species.

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San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance celebrates the birth of a critically endangered Sumatran tiger cub, born to first-time mother Jillian at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park's Tull Family Tiger Trail.
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Celebrates Birth of Sumatran Tiger Cub.

Jillian has taken quickly to motherhood, with wildlife care specialists closely monitoring her and her cub as they bond.

This birth is part of the AZA Sumatran Tiger Species Survival Plan (SSP) to maintain genetic diversity among the species, with only 400 to 600 Sumatran tigers left in the wild.

Guests may soon have the opportunity to witness the cub exploring a specially designed maternity habitat when it reaches 10 to 12 weeks of age.

The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance continues its commitment to global conservation through efforts like this, promoting the protection of endangered species and their habitats.

Source: San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Celebrates Sumatran Tiger Cub Birth at Safari Park

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