A Dating.com study reveals 83% of singles date across states and 71% internationally. Advanced tech like AI and video enhances long-distance connections, making geographic borders less of a barrier. A Dating.com study reveals 83% of singles date across states and 71% internationally. Advanced tech like AI and video enhances long-distance connections, making geographic borders less of a barrier.

New Study Reveals Geographic Borders No Longer a Barrier for Modern Singles

A Dating.com study reveals 83% of singles date across states and 71% internationally. Advanced tech like AI and video enhances long-distance connections, making geographic borders less of a barrier.

A new study from Dating.com, part of the Social Discovery Group, highlights a significant shift in the dating landscape: geographic borders are no longer a barrier for modern singles. The study shows that singles are increasingly open to forming connections across states and even countries, with 83% of respondents having dated someone in another state and 71% in another country.

“Advanced technology makes it easier than ever to nurture connections even at a distance. Online dating features powered by artificial intelligence, video capabilities, and virtual reality are opening the door to a wider range of potential partners to explore, and singles aren’t letting geographic locations impact them in the same way they did in the past,” said Alex Kudos, Chief Marketing Officer of Social Discovery Group. “Our latest survey revealed that over half of respondents are open to meeting a connection that lives in another state, especially if their location fits into their travel schedule. The lure of finding and pursuing someone long distance is not just a form of escapism for lonely people, or a vacation from real life; it’s a hallmark of dating and relationships today.”

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Key Findings from the Study:

  1. Increasing International Interactions: During the summer months, online interactions between American men and Colombian women surged by 57%. American singles also showed significant interest in dating people from Canada, Spain, Greece, Italy, and Brazil, with 21% willing to learn a new language to better communicate with their international dates.
  2. Seeking Cultural Diversity: 30% of Americans find their local dating pool too homogenous and are seeking connections with people from other cultures to diversify their dating lives.
  3. Pandemic Influence: Interest in building connections across countries rose dramatically during the pandemic, increasing from 12% before the pandemic to 71% now.
  4. Interstate Connections: 57% of respondents are open to meeting someone from a different state this summer, especially if it aligns with their travel plans. This openness is even higher among city dwellers at 65%.
  5. Summer Flings Turning Serious: 64% of respondents reported that casual summer hookups have developed into long-term relationships lasting at least a year.
  6. International Interest in American Singles: As the 4th of July approaches, messages from international daters to American singles typically spike by 37%.
  7. Destination Dating: 44% of single women and 54% of single men are open to meeting new people while traveling this summer. Exploring the online dating scene is now part of many singles’ travel itineraries.
  8. Adventurous Singles: 45% of singles identify as “untethered” and “adventurous,” with many planning to travel abroad to destinations like Phuket and Costa Rica to find their next match.

A Trend Towards Longevity

Social Discovery Group notes that summer flings are increasingly developing into committed relationships. This trend reflects a broader openness among singles to long-distance and cross-cultural dating, facilitated by high-tech online dating platforms.

Social Discovery Group aims to bridge the gap of loneliness and isolation through digital reality, with their products including international dating sites, social and entertainment apps, AI technologies, and game mechanics. These tools help users form meaningful connections worldwide.

For more information and to meet your next match, visit Dating.com.

About Social Discovery Group

Social Discovery Group is one of the world’s largest social discovery companies, uniting 66 brands with 500 million users. SDG addresses the problems of loneliness, isolation, and disconnection through digital reality. Their products redefine how people interact and connect globally. For more information, visit Social Discovery Group.

Source: Love Goes the Distance: Dating.com Study Reveals Summer Travel Sparks New Romance
