The mum of a jet-setting tot, who has travelled to five different countries before his first birthday, has defended her decision to adventure with a baby in tow.
Little Rupert is already a seasoned traveller, visiting Greece, Turkey, Barbados, Dubai and even Australia, in the first 12 months of his life.
His parents, Becky and Simon, love to travel, so it was no surprise that Rupert had a passport before he was a month old.
He first travelled on a plane at 11 weeks.
And mum Becky, from Newcastle, says she strongly disagrees with critics who say it’s a waste of money taking him abroad so young.
“Your life doesn’t have to stop when you have children,” first-time mum, Becky Asquith, 36, told Luxury Travel Daily.

“Travelling with children, of course it’s different, but you just adapt.
“Travel is my biggest passion and has always been part of our life together, it was really important to not lose that part of our identity.
“Rupert was only three weeks old when we applied for his first passport, we are excited to show him the world.”
When Rupert was three months old, the family travelled to Rhoades for his first holiday but were faced with a record 46C heatwave.
The mum said that while she has no regrets, and will continue to travel regularly with Rupert, it isn’t always fun in the sun.
And despite posting beautiful photos, she never pretends it’s always perfect for social media.
Becky said: “Taking a 12-week-old baby abroad was a huge slap of reality, right across the face.
“I was worried about potentially coping with and calming a screaming baby on the plane, but I didn’t have to worry.

“We were lucky, he loved the motion and he slept for a lot of the flight, but he did fill his nappy just 10 minutes after take-off, so we have experienced it all.”
“There were times we questioned our sanity.
“It was very hot, but we survived the week and overall had a great time and genuinely have some lovely memories of his first holiday.”
Becky, a sales manager, had no time for regrets because, three months later, the family were boarding a long-haul flight to celebrate her husband Simon’s 40th birthday.

Becky said: “Barbados was actually booked before I fell pregnant with Rupert.
“He is an IVF baby and anyone going through fertility treatment will know that you can’t let life stop or you could lose years just waiting, so we booked a big trip and later, added Rupert to come too.
“He was six months old then.
“We did a lot of research for child-friendly facilities at the hotel and found one with a crèche.
“For a lot of the holiday, like most of motherhood, I was just winging it.
“You work it out as you go along.
“Of course, I was anxious ahead of the holidays, wondering what do I pack? what do I need? But don’t let it stop you.”
Rupert’s adventures didn’t stop there and before long, he was flying to Australia and Dubai at 10 months old.

He celebrated his first birthday in Turkey.
Becky said: “He was crawling in Turkey so that presented another set of challenges… he wanted to explore everything.
“Being abroad with a baby, at different stages of their development, comes with different challenges, but it can be done and don’t feel like you shouldn’t do it.
“You’re not ruining a holiday for anyone else, don’t miss out on these adventures with your children, for fear of other people’s judgement.”

“We should be normalising children going away.
“I was worried about what other passengers may be thinking, but more often than not, it’s in our head that you’re bothering other people.”
Asked to share her top tips for travelling with a baby, Becky said: “Remember, babies under two are free and prices drop in September when it’s term time, so do your research for child-friendly facilities and go for it.
“Get a pram that fits in the overhead lockers, it’s so much easier than having to put it in the hold and take a baby carrier as many places are not buggy friendly, they are great for walks along the beach.
“If you’re going long haul, call the airline in advance and ask for bulkhead seats.
“This way you can get a bassinet for the baby to go in, and even if you don’t use it, you get a lot more room to manoeuvre, which is invaluable.
“The 100ml rule doesn’t apply to sterilised water or baby food, so you can take as much as you need.
“It will all be tested so give yourself time at security, but it’s always best to have too much, in case of any delays.
“Order your nappies, formula and toiletries to collect from Boots at the airport.
“It saves loads of space and weight in your case and always split baby stuff between cases, that way if one doesn’t turn up you’re not going to be without everything.

“If you are off somewhere hot don’t overdo it with packing cute baby outfits. Most of the time they’ll just want to be in a nappy.
“Great items to consider taking with you include a pool floaty with canopy, mosquito net for crib, snooze shade for pram, sanitising water spray, pram fan and take a baby monitor, so if baby is napping you can sit on the balcony with the door closed to keep the bugs out and the air con working.
“You might even get five minutes to relax.”
Becky has been told by some critics that it’s a waste of money travelling when her son is so young, but she disagrees.
She said: “Rupert will have lush pics to look back on of his first year and we have lots more travelling planned.”
Now, Rupert is 16 months old and will soon be flying off on another adventure, as the family is making plans to move to Australia for two years.
Becky said: “Our life with Rupert is one big adventure.
“We were given less than a 5% chance of ever conceiving, so he is a very special boy.
“We love travelling and we want him to love it too.
“We are eternally grateful to have him and we want to be sure he travels and experiences all the world has to offer.”
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